Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pregnancy Test Addiction is Over!

It's over. No more pregnancy test addiction. I started Prometrium (progesterone) a few weeks ago. Believe it or not, I had a VERY faint positive test at 9dpo. This was our second cycle trying, so it's exciting, but we were preparing to try for a little longer. I am now just about 6 weeks (tomorrow) pregnant and very excited. It's interesting how different your pregnancy is after you've had your first child. I haven't obsessed about any symptom, shocking! There's just no time when I'm running around after Asher (He's running by the way).

If we have another child after the second one here, I know I'll pick up my pregnancy test addiction again. I'm completely ok with it. It's exciting when you are trying to get pregnant.

I go in next week to get my progesterone levels checked. I haven't had any spotting and I'm having symptoms of increasing levels of progesterone, so that's awesome.

Asher's 1st birthday party is in 2 weeks, so we plan on telling our family about the big news then. I will be 8 weeks then and that's when we told our family when we were pregnant with Asher.

Now, I'm on to taking gender prediction tests (just for the fun of it)-- but all in all, there's a 50-50 chance either way, right?

Good luck to all of you, and please, DO NOT GIVE UP if you are experiencing infertility or recurrent miscarriage!!

CLICK HERE to learn more on how you can GET PREGNANT FAST safely and naturally.

Learn more on how Chiropractic can help you on your journey of infertility, pregnancy and beyond.

CLICK HERE to read my story of recurrent miscarriage, pregnancy and being a mom.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Using Visualization to Get Pregnant at 40 and Over

Women are waiting longer and longer to get pregnant and start a family. We are getting married later, also. Many of us are pursuing careers and wanting to be financially established. You may find yourself close to 40 or beyond and ready to start a family and get pregnant. Using visualization to get pregnant at 40 and over is a smart idea. Incorporating this tool into your daily routine may help you get pregnant faster. Our minds are amazing instruments and when we visualize things with our mind amazing miracles happen, like pregnancy!

Getting Pregnant at 40 - Get Pregnant Faster by Using Visualization by Bobbie Turner

Getting pregnant at 40 and beyond can be tough for some women. You've mastered your career, married in your 30's, or you've simply struggled getting pregnant. Have you every tried getting pregnant by using visualization? You may have heard about visualization. You may use it or you may think it sounds silly. If you have not been using visualization to get pregnant, you are missing an important tool!

Our minds our strong and have so much power that is never harnessed. Why not tap into some of that power and see, smell, touch, taste, and hear your way pregnant! Sounds silly and crazy?
Yes it does, but guess what? It works!

Ok, I don't have scientific evidence that it works. I only have personal experience. I use visualization in my life for everything, I've been using it since I've been a very young girl.
I visualized my way into doing the splits in 9th grade so I could try out to be a cheerleader! I was able to do the splits after ONE day of practice and visualization.

I was having trouble getting pregnant. Well, I got pregnant 4 times, but the first 3 times I got pregnant I miscarried them. The 4th time I got pregnant, I visualized every single piece of the fertilization process.

I saw the egg fertilized and I saw it burrough into the lining of my uterus where it was nice and safe. I ended up giving birth to a healthy baby boy and will NEVER doubt the power of visualization again!

Get pregnant faster by using visualization, I KNOW it works!

1. Find a safe, quiet, and comfortable place to practice your visualization

2. Put on comfortable clothing that is non-restrictive and flows freely

3. Engage ALL 5 senses (see, smell, touch, taste, and hear)

4. Construct an image of the sperm's journey to the egg, the fertilization and the implantation into the uterus. (Once you've had intercourse, of course!)

5. Draw a picture of the journey or find a picture in a book or on the Internet of sperm fertilizing an egg

6. Visualize this journey daily or as much as you can.

See it, smell it, touch it, taste it, hear it, MAKE IT HAPPEN!

If you are getting pregnant at 40 or over, using visualization can help make it happen.

Read more on how you can get pregnant safely and naturally at 40 or over!

CLICK HERE to learn how you can get pregnant at 40 or over safely and naturally. This is the ONLY method you will ever need again.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hello Menstrual Cycle

So I got my period (AF or Aunt Flo). What's good about it is that my luteal phase or second half of my cycle is at least 12 days long. That's a great sign. I will continue to chart my bbt (basal body temperature), use the OPK (Ovulation Predictor Kit), and record cervical mucus to know when I will ovulate.

Here's to another 2 week wait! Cheers!

CLICK HERE to GET PREGNANT FAST if you are experiencing fertility problems.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Pregnancy Test Addiction - Using OPK instead of HPT

Ok, so I know that I should be using HPT's to test for pregnancy, but accidentally opened my LAST pregnancy test this morning. I am 9dpo and it was negative. So, I tested with the ovulation predictor strip (OPK) and got a faint line, but that still means negative on an OPK. I had a very, very faint line on an HPT when I got pregnant with Asher, so I'm expecting to get the same results. Ugh. It's hard to wait when I just want to know. I will keep using the OPK's and if they keep getting darker, I will use an pregnancy test as soon as I get more in the mail (should arrive on Wednesday).

I know that all this sounds crazy, but I am a person that hates suspense!

I'm still on the pregnancy test addiction bandwagon. Let me know if you are on it with me!

Learn how you can GET PREGNANT FAST if you are experiencing fertility problems.

You can read my story HERE.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

My Pregnancy Test Addiction is Back!

Ugh! I thought I'd be able to practice self-control while I was in my "2 week wait", but....NO! I started testing for pregnancy at 6 days past ovulation (6dpo), even though I KNOW that it is next to impossible that I'd have an accurate pregnancy test at that time. I tested at 7dpo and today at 8dpo. I've got one $.70 pregnancy test left and I REFUSE to use until 10 dpo. With Asher, I had a faint line for a positive pregnancy test at 7pm at 9dpo. Yeah, I can't believe I remember that, but I think most women would remember that first positive test.

So, I had a feeling I'd fall into pregnancy test addiction, but I'm ok with it. It only lasts until I'm pregnant. I think I enjoy the suspense of it all, except it sucks when it's a big fat negative (BFN)!

Like always, I'll keep you posted on my pregnancy test addiction and if anything happens this month.

If you have fallen on fertility problems, I recommend learning more on how you can GET PREGNANT FAST.

You can read my story HERE.

Good luck!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pregnancy Test Addiction - I'm Practicing Self-Control

I'm on my 5th day after ovulation and I have NOT tested yet! Some of you women may think I'm nuts because logic says the earliest day you could get a positive pregnancy test would be 10 days after ovulation. That's the earliest day. It takes self-control to not take a pregnancy test out of it's wrapper and test for pregnancy.

I am determined to wait till 10 days after ovulation, which is Monday, September 21st. I'll let you all know if I was able to curb my pregnancy test addiction this time around!

Stay tuned all you pregnancy test addicts...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Getting Pregnant Naturally by Balancing Your Hormones - Part 1

Many couples are struggling with infertility these days and I feel that many of these infertility struggles can be prevented if their hormones are checked and get balanced. I had low progesterone issues and this is what kept me from keeping my pregnancies once I got pregnant. I recommend reading the article below to get a few tips on how you can begin to balance your hormones so you can get pregnant.

Pregnancy Secrets Exposed - How to Conceive Naturally by Balancing Your Hormones Part I by Bobbie Turner

I'm calling this a pregnancy secret because it seems to be treated as a secret to women who are experiencing troubles getting pregnant. Women go on Clomid or other pharmaceutical drugs in order to get pregnant, why don't doctors mention that it could be that a patient's body's hormone chemistry is out of balance?

Hormones are what keep your body going. Do you feel run down? It could be a hormone imbalance. Are your periods irregular? It is probably a hormone imbalance. Do you have frequent headaches or food cravings? It could be a hormone imbalance.

Mark my words. I said it COULD BE hormone imbalance, but I bet most of the time it's hormone imbalance that is the culprit behind many diseases, lack of energy, etc.

I've listed 3 tips below on how to conceive naturally by balancing your hormones. I recommend following all of these tips while you are getting your hormones tested (you can get a home test kit by using your saliva) because these all will assist in balancing your hormones.

1. Eat Organic Meats & Poultry ONLY

There are SO many hormones pumped into our meat and poultry it is shocking. There are also preservatives and dyes added to enhance the appearance of meats. Our hormones are sensitive and any chemicals could knock them off balance.

2. Eat Organic Dairy Products ONLY

I can only imagine how many synthetic hormones "bleed" into our dairy products when the cows are injected with hormones to help them product more.

3. Eat Organic Fruits and Vegetables ONLY

I understand that eating organic can be expensive. In our house, we buy organic when we eat the "flesh" of the food. We buy conventional squash, oranges, bananas, etc. because it would literally break our budget to pay 3-4x what the conventional comparisons would cost. The pesticides that are on conventional fruits and vegetables can create HAVOC to your hormones. Just think how long you've been eating pesticide-laced foods. Just imagine how much pesticide and chemical build up you have in your body. It's no wonder why there are so many digestive disorders, allergies, etc. Do you know that hormones play an important role with our digestion?

I highly recommend incorporating these tips into your daily routine in order to balance your hormones so you can conceive naturally as soon as possible.

It seems that whenever we pursue health-related issues naturally it takes a bit longer to see results than if we were to take pharmaceutical drugs, but with far less, if any, side-effects. When we take synthetic drugs, we never know how our bodies will react to them in the future. Our bodies are record-keepers. They are intelligent and if we give them the proper nutrition and environment we'd be surprised by how healthy they can be.

In conclusion, it's vital to begin balancing your hormones by adjusting your diet. I have seen many benefits myself by following these 3 tips. I get my hormones tested annually and since I've began doing this, my hormones are close to being where they need to be so I can conceive naturally.

See you how YOU can GET PREGNANT FAST! safely and naturally if you are experiencing fertility problems.


Read my story HERE.