Friday, September 25, 2009

Using Visualization to Get Pregnant at 40 and Over

Women are waiting longer and longer to get pregnant and start a family. We are getting married later, also. Many of us are pursuing careers and wanting to be financially established. You may find yourself close to 40 or beyond and ready to start a family and get pregnant. Using visualization to get pregnant at 40 and over is a smart idea. Incorporating this tool into your daily routine may help you get pregnant faster. Our minds are amazing instruments and when we visualize things with our mind amazing miracles happen, like pregnancy!

Getting Pregnant at 40 - Get Pregnant Faster by Using Visualization by Bobbie Turner

Getting pregnant at 40 and beyond can be tough for some women. You've mastered your career, married in your 30's, or you've simply struggled getting pregnant. Have you every tried getting pregnant by using visualization? You may have heard about visualization. You may use it or you may think it sounds silly. If you have not been using visualization to get pregnant, you are missing an important tool!

Our minds our strong and have so much power that is never harnessed. Why not tap into some of that power and see, smell, touch, taste, and hear your way pregnant! Sounds silly and crazy?
Yes it does, but guess what? It works!

Ok, I don't have scientific evidence that it works. I only have personal experience. I use visualization in my life for everything, I've been using it since I've been a very young girl.
I visualized my way into doing the splits in 9th grade so I could try out to be a cheerleader! I was able to do the splits after ONE day of practice and visualization.

I was having trouble getting pregnant. Well, I got pregnant 4 times, but the first 3 times I got pregnant I miscarried them. The 4th time I got pregnant, I visualized every single piece of the fertilization process.

I saw the egg fertilized and I saw it burrough into the lining of my uterus where it was nice and safe. I ended up giving birth to a healthy baby boy and will NEVER doubt the power of visualization again!

Get pregnant faster by using visualization, I KNOW it works!

1. Find a safe, quiet, and comfortable place to practice your visualization

2. Put on comfortable clothing that is non-restrictive and flows freely

3. Engage ALL 5 senses (see, smell, touch, taste, and hear)

4. Construct an image of the sperm's journey to the egg, the fertilization and the implantation into the uterus. (Once you've had intercourse, of course!)

5. Draw a picture of the journey or find a picture in a book or on the Internet of sperm fertilizing an egg

6. Visualize this journey daily or as much as you can.

See it, smell it, touch it, taste it, hear it, MAKE IT HAPPEN!

If you are getting pregnant at 40 or over, using visualization can help make it happen.

Read more on how you can get pregnant safely and naturally at 40 or over!

CLICK HERE to learn how you can get pregnant at 40 or over safely and naturally. This is the ONLY method you will ever need again.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hello Menstrual Cycle

So I got my period (AF or Aunt Flo). What's good about it is that my luteal phase or second half of my cycle is at least 12 days long. That's a great sign. I will continue to chart my bbt (basal body temperature), use the OPK (Ovulation Predictor Kit), and record cervical mucus to know when I will ovulate.

Here's to another 2 week wait! Cheers!

CLICK HERE to GET PREGNANT FAST if you are experiencing fertility problems.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Pregnancy Test Addiction - Using OPK instead of HPT

Ok, so I know that I should be using HPT's to test for pregnancy, but accidentally opened my LAST pregnancy test this morning. I am 9dpo and it was negative. So, I tested with the ovulation predictor strip (OPK) and got a faint line, but that still means negative on an OPK. I had a very, very faint line on an HPT when I got pregnant with Asher, so I'm expecting to get the same results. Ugh. It's hard to wait when I just want to know. I will keep using the OPK's and if they keep getting darker, I will use an pregnancy test as soon as I get more in the mail (should arrive on Wednesday).

I know that all this sounds crazy, but I am a person that hates suspense!

I'm still on the pregnancy test addiction bandwagon. Let me know if you are on it with me!

Learn how you can GET PREGNANT FAST if you are experiencing fertility problems.

You can read my story HERE.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

My Pregnancy Test Addiction is Back!

Ugh! I thought I'd be able to practice self-control while I was in my "2 week wait", but....NO! I started testing for pregnancy at 6 days past ovulation (6dpo), even though I KNOW that it is next to impossible that I'd have an accurate pregnancy test at that time. I tested at 7dpo and today at 8dpo. I've got one $.70 pregnancy test left and I REFUSE to use until 10 dpo. With Asher, I had a faint line for a positive pregnancy test at 7pm at 9dpo. Yeah, I can't believe I remember that, but I think most women would remember that first positive test.

So, I had a feeling I'd fall into pregnancy test addiction, but I'm ok with it. It only lasts until I'm pregnant. I think I enjoy the suspense of it all, except it sucks when it's a big fat negative (BFN)!

Like always, I'll keep you posted on my pregnancy test addiction and if anything happens this month.

If you have fallen on fertility problems, I recommend learning more on how you can GET PREGNANT FAST.

You can read my story HERE.

Good luck!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pregnancy Test Addiction - I'm Practicing Self-Control

I'm on my 5th day after ovulation and I have NOT tested yet! Some of you women may think I'm nuts because logic says the earliest day you could get a positive pregnancy test would be 10 days after ovulation. That's the earliest day. It takes self-control to not take a pregnancy test out of it's wrapper and test for pregnancy.

I am determined to wait till 10 days after ovulation, which is Monday, September 21st. I'll let you all know if I was able to curb my pregnancy test addiction this time around!

Stay tuned all you pregnancy test addicts...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Getting Pregnant Naturally by Balancing Your Hormones - Part 1

Many couples are struggling with infertility these days and I feel that many of these infertility struggles can be prevented if their hormones are checked and get balanced. I had low progesterone issues and this is what kept me from keeping my pregnancies once I got pregnant. I recommend reading the article below to get a few tips on how you can begin to balance your hormones so you can get pregnant.

Pregnancy Secrets Exposed - How to Conceive Naturally by Balancing Your Hormones Part I by Bobbie Turner

I'm calling this a pregnancy secret because it seems to be treated as a secret to women who are experiencing troubles getting pregnant. Women go on Clomid or other pharmaceutical drugs in order to get pregnant, why don't doctors mention that it could be that a patient's body's hormone chemistry is out of balance?

Hormones are what keep your body going. Do you feel run down? It could be a hormone imbalance. Are your periods irregular? It is probably a hormone imbalance. Do you have frequent headaches or food cravings? It could be a hormone imbalance.

Mark my words. I said it COULD BE hormone imbalance, but I bet most of the time it's hormone imbalance that is the culprit behind many diseases, lack of energy, etc.

I've listed 3 tips below on how to conceive naturally by balancing your hormones. I recommend following all of these tips while you are getting your hormones tested (you can get a home test kit by using your saliva) because these all will assist in balancing your hormones.

1. Eat Organic Meats & Poultry ONLY

There are SO many hormones pumped into our meat and poultry it is shocking. There are also preservatives and dyes added to enhance the appearance of meats. Our hormones are sensitive and any chemicals could knock them off balance.

2. Eat Organic Dairy Products ONLY

I can only imagine how many synthetic hormones "bleed" into our dairy products when the cows are injected with hormones to help them product more.

3. Eat Organic Fruits and Vegetables ONLY

I understand that eating organic can be expensive. In our house, we buy organic when we eat the "flesh" of the food. We buy conventional squash, oranges, bananas, etc. because it would literally break our budget to pay 3-4x what the conventional comparisons would cost. The pesticides that are on conventional fruits and vegetables can create HAVOC to your hormones. Just think how long you've been eating pesticide-laced foods. Just imagine how much pesticide and chemical build up you have in your body. It's no wonder why there are so many digestive disorders, allergies, etc. Do you know that hormones play an important role with our digestion?

I highly recommend incorporating these tips into your daily routine in order to balance your hormones so you can conceive naturally as soon as possible.

It seems that whenever we pursue health-related issues naturally it takes a bit longer to see results than if we were to take pharmaceutical drugs, but with far less, if any, side-effects. When we take synthetic drugs, we never know how our bodies will react to them in the future. Our bodies are record-keepers. They are intelligent and if we give them the proper nutrition and environment we'd be surprised by how healthy they can be.

In conclusion, it's vital to begin balancing your hormones by adjusting your diet. I have seen many benefits myself by following these 3 tips. I get my hormones tested annually and since I've began doing this, my hormones are close to being where they need to be so I can conceive naturally.

See you how YOU can GET PREGNANT FAST! safely and naturally if you are experiencing fertility problems.


Read my story HERE.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The OPK and Pregnancy Tests Arrived!

I'm excited! We are trying to get pregnant with baby #2. I ovulated on day 18 of my cycle (9/11). The last time I got pregnant (I had Asher), I ovulated on day 14 and my cycle finally made it to a 28-day cycle. Now, I've only gotten my menstrual cycle 4 times since I've had Asher. May 9th, June 19th, July 26th, August 24th were the dates, so it's not consistent yet. I'm sure it will take a few cycles to become consistent, UNLESS we get pregnant.

I'll start testing for pregnancy on the 9th day after I ovulated, which will be 9/20. If it's positive I'll begin the Prometrium (progesterone) to prevent me from miscarrying. If it's negative, I'll keep testing for pregnancy until 9/26 so I can catch the baby early to get on progesterone. I've also been charting my BBT (Basal Body Temperature), so I will see if my temperature drops impending my menstrual cycle.

The symptoms I am having are much like PMS. I'm experiencing a little bit of cramping in my lower abdomen. I'm hungry all the time. I feel so bloated. :)

If you are having trouble getting pregnant or experiencing fertility problems, then I invite you to CLICK HERE to see how you can get pregnant fast. You also will receive your 7 FREE e-books on women's health geared to helping you get pregnant.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Ovulation Test Kit, Pregnancy Tests - Here goes #2!

I ordered my OPK (Ovulation Predictor Kit) as well as pregnancy tests. For me, it is vital to discover I am pregnant as early as possible because I tend to have low progesterone. Having low progesterone, I miscarried my first 3 pregnancies at around 5 1/2 to 6 week pregnant. Once we discovered this, when I got pregnant the 4th time (I gave birth to my son, Asher) I went on progesterone pills orally for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. After the first 12 weeks, the placenta produced enough progesterone to sustain the pregnancy.

Wish me LUCK! I welcome anyone who is trying for their first, second, third, etc. child to join in with me :). I ovulated yesterday so guess what we did last night ;). When your OPK tests positive, then you should have intercourse that day and for the next 3 days (at least that's what the directions said). Look at the upper right hand of my blog and you will see what OPK and early pregnancy tests I use. The are uber cheap and if you have a pregnancy test addiction (I do!), then these will for sure be for you!

If you are having trouble getting pregnant or experiencing fertility problems, then I invite you to CLICK HERE to see how you can get pregnant fast. You also will receive your 7 FREE e-books on women's health geared to helping you get pregnant.

Let's get to it!

Read my story HERE.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ok, It's On - We're Trying for Baby #2!

So, my son, Asher, is just about 10 months old. He's a VERY mobile baby and is in to EVERYTHING. He had acid reflux early on and has always been very intense. With this, I wasn't sure how soon we would want to grow our family even more, but since I was laid off my job due to downsizing, I've been looking at my life differently.

I think it's time for a change. I like being at home and doing "mommy" things, but I also will be pursuing work part-time because I need the "me" time for sure.

I started using the OPK's (Ovulation Kits) this cycle, so we'll see if it happens fast or it takes awhile.

For those of you who are not familiar with my story, here goes...

I was pregnant and miscarried 3 times before I got pregnant with Asher. We were getting pregnant fine, but my body was rejecting the baby every time. We discovered I had low progesterone. That means that no matter how many times I got pregnant, the baby wouldn't stick unless I got my progesterone where it needed to be or supplemented. I took 200mg of progesterone daily for the first 12 weeks of Asher's life. I took pills orally, but some can be taken vaginally or as shots.

Since I've had Asher, I've been doing the following to help my body balance its hormones:
1. Getting Acupuncture treatments
2. Getting weekly Chiropractic adjustments
3. Taking Chinese Herbs
4. Exercising and eating healthy
5. Relaxation and visualization (when Asher naps of course!)

That's a brief look into my story. Now that we are trying for #2, I've been charting my BBT (Basal Body Temperature) and the OPK's. We are also making it a point to have intercourse more often.

Here's to babies!!

If you are struggling to get pregnant like I was for a year, please READ HERE for more information on how to conceive quickly, safely and naturally.

Tweak Your Nutrition to Boost Fertility Naturally

It's the thing you hear constantly- alter your eating habits to get healthier. I am here to tell you that you should alter your eating habits to help you boost fertility naturally. You may think this sounds silly, but so often we eat without thinking what we are putting into our mouths. We may think we eat healthy, but do you take it one step further to see how your food is made or grown? This article takes a look into what types of foods to eat to help you boost fertility naturally.

Pregnancy Secret Exposed, How to Conceive Naturally by Changing What You Eat by Bobbie Turner

How to conceive naturally by changing what you eat is a part of infertility many people in the medical community do not talk about. If you mention it as an option to your doctor, most likely you'll get the answer "I wouldn't count on that" or "There's no medical studies to back that up." Infertility is more common now than it has ever been. Not only because there are more people on the planet today than there were 10 years ago, BUT with all the pesticides, chemicals and other hormone-altering substances who knows how fast infertility will grow into the future!

I will be writing a series of articles on how to conceive naturally with... This article we will dive into NUTRITION

Now, I'm touching on each subject separately because I could literally write a novel about each point.

You ARE What You Eat. Enough said.I couldn't STAND hearing this when I was a child and I bet you couldn't either, but my parents DID know what they were talking about!

1. Eat Organic Produce Only

It is even more important to eat those organic foods that you will be eating the flesh of. No matter how much you wash your fruits and vegetables those chemicals and pesticides will NOT be washed away! The absorb into your food. You ingest the food and your body struggles what to make of the fake substances. These substances can alter hormones easily, why do you think many young girls are experiencing their menstrual cycles early on in their
lives? I am convinced that these chemicals and pesticides are the culprits.

2. Eat Organic Dairy Products Only

Cows can be pumped with hormones and I think it would be foolish for us as a society to believe that none of those hormones would pass to the milk. Then we drink it. Ponder that.

3. Eat Organic Meat Products Only

Our poultry and meat can be laden with hormones as well. Steer clear of meat unless it is organic.

4. Eliminate ALL Processed Foods (Yes, All of Them)

Processed foods have more chemicals in them now more than ever. Cut them out and you may even feel your energy go up notch!

If you want to know how to conceive naturally, then follow my article series. This article is meant to get you thinking about how you can make small changes to your diet that can give you better health and in turn help you conceive naturally. I know the medical community or many people say that they only follow their doctors' advice, but aren't our bodies the best "healers" out there? We just need to provide the healer with the best fuel. I do believe doctors are out there to help but I also believe that we need to educate ourselves and walk right alongside our doctors. Ask questions. Educate yourselves.

Investigate more on how to conceive naturally by changing what you eat. Click on the link below to do your INVESTIGATION.

Infertility Is A Message From Your Body Telling You Something Is WRONG Inside!

Learn how YOU can GET PREGNANT FAST safely and naturally.

Monday, September 7, 2009

3 More Ways to Take Charge of Your Fertility if You are Trying to Get Pregnant

The article "3 Ways to Take Charge of Your Fertility - Part 2" by Janet Fox is a great start that you can take to see when you ovulating and to try to get pregnant. So often couples think that if they have unprotected intercourse that they eventually will get pregnant. That is true to an extent, but if you are looking to get pregnant as soon as possible then I suggest you follow the tips below. If you are a healthy couple, you should get pregnant FASTER using these tips. Good luck!

3 Ways to Take Charge of Your Fertility - Part 2 by Janet Fox

I know my first article "3 Ways to Take Charge of Your Fertility" wasn't complete and I've now found the time to get out another 3 ways to take charge of your fertility.

I feel these 3 ways are DIRECT ways to take charge of your fertility and make things happen.

1. Chart Your Basal Body Temperature

Charting your basal body temperature is necessary if you are trying to get pregnant. Charting your temperature cycle can catch a luteal phase defect (symptom of low progesterone) when you have a few months of charts to see the pattern. These patterns can also catch other problems. Believe me, if you happen to have fertility issues, these charts can be priceless! I discovered that I had a luteal phase defect once I began charting my basal body temperature after my 3rd miscarriage. There are many websites where you can track your ovulation or you can just do it manually. Just search Google and you will have a slew of websites to choose from. To do it manually you can view the article "Taking Charge of Your Fertility, Charting Your BBT" and that will explain how to chart your ovulation.

2. Use an Ovulation Test Kit

I will NEVER try to get pregnant without an ovulation test kit again. I am serious! It's easy to use. You start using it 7 -10 days after day 1 of your cycle and the lines get darker the closer you are to ovulation. It's that simple! This can help you pinpoint the EXACT day when you are fertile and having intercourse that day raises your chances for conceiving. View my blog below to see where you can get very inexpensive kits.

3. Have intercourse at least every other day during your fertile time

This is SO important! I don't suggest having intercourse many times everyday, but every other day and especially on the day you are most fertile. When you have some bbt charts under your belt, you can see when you will be fertile and start intercourse BEFORE you ovulate. I've even read that if you have intercourse 3-5 days BEFORE you ovulate you are more likely to have a girl because the sperm that have the girl dna are slower swimmers. :)

Ok, so there you have it. These 3 ways to take charge of your fertility are ways that you can control (I love to be in control).

If you are experiencing fertility problems, then I highly suggest you read my bio and click on the link to see how you can conceive naturally.


CLICK HERE to learn how YOU can GET PREGNANT FAST safely and naturally if you are experiencing fertility problems.

CLICK HEREto get your 7 FREE e-books on women's health NOW.

Read my story HERE.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Chiropractic and Fertility - Natural Remedy for Infertility

If you are looking for a natural remedy for infertility, you just might have met your match. So many people do not believe or understand the importance of Chiropractic and fertility. When your body is out of alignment, your body is not functioning at 100%. PERIOD. The article below briefly explains how our bodies can be out of alignment and how it related to infertility.

Pregnancy Secret Exposed - How to Conceive Naturally by Using Chiropractic by Bobbie Turner

When we were children we fell, bruised our knees, and fell again. When we fall it is very common for a vertebrae to slip out of alignment. Now, imagine yourself as a 9-month-old boy who is just learning to walk. You fall constantly because you are unstable. Now think of all the times you've fallen. I GUARANTEE there is some part of your spinal column that is out of alignment from those falls. Now, imagine 30, 40, or 50 years has passed and now you are experiencing bad back pain. Would it be safe to assume that all those falls as a little child could have contributed to this pain? I say YES. If you never get adjusted and put those vertebrae back in place, they are "stuck" in a position that could inhibit nerve activity throughout your whole body.

Come on... How does this relate to trying to get pregnant? What does this have to do with me, you might ask?

Here is your answer.

If you are subluxated (out of alignment) I guarantee that your nervous system is not functioning at 100%. It is speculated that if you are out of alignment in a certain part of your spine, it can block nerve flow to your uterus and fallopian tubes, causing poor performance such as irregular periods, heavy menstrual cramping, or infertility. There are not medical studies out there proving this claim, but there have been infertile couples who have gone to a chiropractor as their last resort and have gotten pregnant. This has been happening throughout the world. I have a very close friend who is a chiropractor and she tells me stories all the time about how chiropractic had influenced a patient's fertility. Now, Like other natural remedies to help conceive, not ALL women will conceive naturally by using chiropractic alone, but it is definitely a stone to not be left unturned.

There have been times that women have gotten pregnant after receiving regularly scheduled chiropractic adjustments. And, yes, there have been times where women have not gotten pregnant after getting chiropractic care. But you will not know if you don't try.

When you do your research, and decide to seek out a chiropractor, PLEASE make an appointment with one who has years of experience with pregnancy care.

If you are wondering how to conceive naturally by other means, please stay tuned for a few more articles to address this topic.

CLICK HERE to learn how you can GET PREGNANT FAST even if you are having fertility problems.

Read my story HERE.

If you would like to learn more on how to take charge of your fertility, buy the book below.

Trying to get Pregnant? Avoid These Mistakes to Get Pregnant Faster

Whether you've been trying to get pregnant for awhile or you've just started to try to get pregnant, this article is for you. Tracking your ovulation is so important so that if you may happen to experience fertility problems or you just aren't getting pregnant you have evidence for the doctor. If you are at all "type A", tracking your ovulation will help you feel somewhat "in control" of getting pregnant. You'd be dotting your i's and crossing your t's so to speak. Enjoy the article below.

3 Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Get Pregnant Fast by Bobbie Turner

Do you track your ovulation? What method do you use? Do you just count 2 weeks before your cycle will start? Has this method not been working for you?

Then I suggest you read on...

I will share with you the 3 mistakes to avoid when trying to get pregnant fast, but before I do I want to step up on my soap box. Excuse me-I need to step up on the box... Just one second... OK, as a general rule of thumb, doctors do not investigate why you are not getting pregnant if you've only been trying for under a year.

I say "phooey" to that method! This is why...

My husband and I got pregnant very quickly early on in our quest to get pregnant. One thing that went wrong is that I lost my first 3 pregnancies. If I would have been following the 3 mistakes to avoid when trying to get pregnant fast, I would have discovered that I had a luteal phase deficiency. To keep it short, the lining of my uterus did not have enough time to generate rich nutrients to keep the pregnancy. This is also defined when you have 10 days or less after ovulation when you start your menstrual cycle. This generally can be caused by low progesterone.

Get to the point, lady! Ok, I won't keep you hanging by a string any longer! I will share with you the 3 mistakes to avoid when trying to get pregnant fast.

3 Mistakes to Avoid when Trying to Get Pregnant Fast

1. You don't chart your basal body temperature

Charting your basal body temperature is VITAL, in my opinion, in knowing EXACTLY when you ovulate. It can also catch a luteal phase defect when you have a few months of charts to see the pattern. Then, you have facts and evidence to give to your doctor if it's been taking a while to get pregnant. I HIGHLY suggest starting this right when you want to start trying to get pregnant. Believe me, if you happen to have fertility issues, these charts can be worth GOLD! There are many websites where you can track your ovulation. Just search Google and you will have a slew of websites to choose from.

2. You don't use an ovulation test kit

I will NEVER try to get pregnant without an ovulation test kit again. I am serious! It's easy to use. You start using it 7 -10 days after day 1 of your cycle and the lines get darker the closer you are to ovulation. It's that simple! This can be a back up for you to pinpoint the EXACT day when you are fertile and you can have all the fun you want making a baby. :)

3. You don't have intercourse at least every other day when you are fertile

This is VITAL! I'm not telling you to have intercourse until your eyes fall out- I'm just suggesting that every other day will put the fertility goddess in your court.

Now, I'm not a medical professional, but I can tell you this- after losing 3 pregnancies... I WISH I WOULD HAVE AVOIDED THESE MISTAKES!

Please do NOT make the same mistake I did! Do not delay! Follow the GET PREGNANT FAST link below to see how you can "get pregnant fast!"

Infertility Is A Message From Your Body Telling You Something Is WRONG Inside!

CLICK HERE to see how you can GET PREGNANT FAST even if you've had fertility problems.

Read my story HERE.

Addicted to Pregnancy Tests? Is That Possible?

Yes. It is possible to be addicted to pregnancy tests, because I am a survivor of pregnancy test addiction. When you are trying to get pregnant and you've been trying for a while it's easy to start obsessing about testing. "This month has GOT to be the month," you may think, or "maybe that pregnancy test was a dud." It's easy to think these thoughts when you've been trying to get pregnant for awhile, you're finally ready to have a baby, or even if you've had fertility problems such as recurrent miscarriages. I wrote the article below with the woman in mind that is addicted to pregnancy tests when they are trying to get pregnant. I'm sure some women can relate!

My $80 Per Month Pregnancy Test Addiction by Bobbie Turner

I was OBSESSED. I could have SWORN I was pregnant. I swear I had ALL the signs of being pregnant!!

Come on... Are you with me? Have you ever felt like that before? I think we all have been there when we were trying to get pregnant. If you are like me (most people aren't as crazy) you would use up to 20 pregnancy tests EASY every cycle. Ok, I couldn't keep up with my addiction in testing for pregnancy (tests in the store are approximately $4/each at best) so I had to find the cheapest way to support my addiction. To this day, my husband still doesn't know about my crazy pregnancy test addiction! So you better not spill the beans!

Since I couldn't support my $80 per month pregnancy test addiction, I had to find a cheaper way to support it. I used Google to search for pregnancy test retailers online. I searched high and low, far and wide. I eventually settled on The Fertility Shop, at $.60/test, I could get dozens! If I still used 20 tests per month, that would only be $12!!! I had cut the cost of my addiction into a fraction of what it was costing me.

How exciting!! RIGHT? All humor aside, testing that often really isn't necessary. Testing first thing in the morning is generally the best way to test for pregnancy because HCG levels are the most concentrated in morning urine. You've been holding it for nearly 8 hours, THAT'S why it's most concentrated.

I'm being logical about this right now, but when I try for baby #2, I GUARANTEE I will take up my pregnancy test addiction.

I'm OK with it. At least it only lasts until I get pregnant. I think that's why my husband doesn't need to know about my addiction. It can be our little secret.

Click on the early pregnancy test below if you want to investigate getting cheaper pregnancy tests to support YOUR pregnancy test addiction! Let's just keep this between you and me. Our husbands don't need to find out, right?

CLICK HERE to learn how you can GET PREGNANT FAST even if you've experienced fertility problems.

Read my story HERE.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Is Someone You Know Experiencing a Miscarriage? These 3 Questions May Help

So often it can be uncomfortable when someone tells us something that can be very sad or painful, like experiencing a miscarriage. In the article below, I've shared 3 questions to ask if someone in your life is going through this painful time. Miscarriage is very common and most people don't talk about it. I really don't know why. I feel it is very healing to talk about it. It's OK to cry and to grieve.

How to Help Someone Who Experienced a Miscarriage by Bobbie Turner

How to help someone who experienced a miscarriage can be a very, very touchy subject. Although most miscarriages go unsaid, they will NEVER be forgotten.

It is important to say the "right" thing if you are encountered with this situation. Now, the 3 things to say or ask when you are in the situation isn't backed with a guarantee or the end all, be all. You will be dealing with a specific personality and temperament.

3 Things to Say or Ask Someone Who Experienced a Miscarriage

1. "I'm so sorry for your loss, can I help with anything?" (Offer help only if you mean it)
2. "Do you want to talk about it?" (Make sure you have time to listen)
3. "I don't know if this is the right thing to say right now, but God has a plan for you and your little one is in God's hands right now, safe and sound" (Use this phrase carefully- it really depends on the person you are talking to)

Remember that we all experience grief at some point in our lives, just talk to someone how you would want someone to talk to you in a situation like this.

How to help someone who experienced a miscarriage is very important and if that person/couple in your life is sharing this news with you, they probably just want you to listen and be there for support.

In closing, knowing what to say in this type of situation may help you be at ease for your friend or family member and you just might be that emotional support they need to persevere through this sad time in their life.

I have been through 3 recurrent miscarriages and I remember what type of support I received. It was helpful for me at them time and I know these were the questions or encouragement that I was grateful for. I hope you will put this article in your pocket and be there for that someone in your life that may have experienced a miscarriage.

Infertility Is A Message From Your Body Telling You Something Is WRONG Inside!

CLICK HERE to learn more on how YOU can GET PREGNANT FAST!

Read my story HERE.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Early Pregnancy Feels Like FOREVER!

For those of you that are going through their first pregnancy, the first 12 weeks can feel like it could go on and on. Keeping yourself occupied in some way may help this precious time go by quicker. In the article below, I have pointed out 3 possible ways to help your early pregnancy move a little faster (or just seem like it!) Now, these suggestions can be used throughout your whole pregnancy since it seems like the first pregnancy always seems like it goes on forever. Once you are on to your second, third, fourth, etc. child the time flies by because you are chasing after your other children. Cherish this time that you have now, it really does go by "so fast."

3 Ways to Speed Up Early Pregnancy If This is Your First Pregnancy by Bobbie Turner

I found it so hard to get through my first 12 weeks of pregnancy short of going absolutely crazy. It felt like F-O-R-E-V-E-R! I remember thinking that I needed to find something to do or this was going to be the LONGEST time of my life. So, I came up with 3 ways to speed up early pregnancy if this is your first pregnancy.

1. Find a hobby

I never knew how to sew and I never wanted to take the time to learn. But now would be the perfect time to learn, so I bought a sewing machine. I had a few cloth diaper patterns that I printed from an online website that I wanted to try to sew. I bought the material and supplies needed in order to embark on this adventure. In the end, my son wore my cloth diapers for one week until I discovered that he hated being wet! So, all of the cloth diaper covers I made ended up not being used. BUT, it kept me busy for the first 12 weeks of my pregnancy and up until my son was born.

2. Find ways to volunteer in your community

There are many ways to volunteer in your community. You can go through your local church, food shelf, daycare or even the Brothers and Sisters of America in your local area. Everyone always could use a helping hand. What a better way to pass those first 12 weeks than serving others!

3. Offer to babysit for a friend, family member or neighbor

This is one the best ways to pass the time in your first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Why not offer your handy babysitting services to family and friends if you want this time to go by fast? You could offer a one night per week to help a friend or family member get out and get some alone time. I'm sure they'd appreciate it! You'll know how much it is appreciated soon enough!

I hope you find these 3 ways to speed up early pregnancy if this this is your first pregnancy helpful. I know they helped me get through the "LONG" waiting period of having my son!

You are reading this because you are probably pregnant, but if someone you know is having problems getting pregnant, I highly recommend you share with them the link below on how to get pregnant fast!

CLICK HERE to learn how you can GET PREGNANT FAST!

Read my story HERE.

Trouble Getting Pregnant? Go Get Your Progesterone Level Checked!

I wrote the article below with you in mind. Yes, YOU. I'm assuming you've been through a miscarriage, recurrent miscarriage or you know someone who has. This article is to show you that getting your progesterone checked if you are having trouble getting pregnant is a smart, smart idea. If this is the issue for you, it can be as simple as getting a progesterone supplement to take for your first 12 weeks of pregnancy. There are times where it's not that easy to get pregnant and stay pregnant, but you'd be surprised to find that sometimes it can be as simple (not easy) as balancing your hormones.

Pregnancy After Miscarriage - Get Your Progesterone Level Checked! By Bobbie Turner

When my husband and I decided to start a family, we were excited and thought it would happen right away. Well, becoming pregnant came quick, but keeping my pregnancies became a recurrent problem.

After my 3rd miscarriage, I was determined to educate myself and find out the possible causes. I searched "low progesterone" on Google because I had a hunch that my progesterone may have been low due to a hormone test I had in the past. I found a slew of information, yet my doctor did not believe that progesterone supplementation was not a proven method of saving miscarriages. I sought a second opinion and when we FINALLY got around to taking the progesterone level test- I had a low progesterone level (10mg) and so the infertility specialist prescribed me 200mg of progesterone to be taken orally for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy as soon as I became pregnant again.

My son was born in November 2008 and I got pregnant with him exactly a year after we first started trying to conceive.

I know that low progesterone has the potential of being the cause of SO many miscarriages and infertility problems. In this day and age with the stress levels and pesticides/chemicals in foods, we never know how it all can affect our hormone levels.

If you or someone you know is having trouble getting pregnant and/or staying pregnant please tell them to get their progesterone checked! I'm living proof that low progesterone COULD be the cause of miscarriage, although it is not the only cause.

My only recommendation (I'm not a medical professional, just writing from personal experience) is to get your progesterone checked BEFORE you do all the infertility tests. I had to pay $900 out of pocket for an infertility procedure because I didn't know what direction I should have taken. I just wanted to get pregnant and be a mommy!

In the end I did the following things with my last pregnancy:

1. Took progesterone for the first 12 weeks of my pregnancy
2. Received acupuncture for the first 12 weeks biweekly
3. Took Chinese herbs for my first 12 weeks of pregnancy
4. Received Chiropractic treatment throughout my pregnancy
5. Listened to relaxation Cd's
6. Talked and sang to my son all the time throughout the day

Check out my blog below to read more on my recurrent miscarriage and pregnancy journey.

I'm planning on writing so much more on pregnancy-related articles, so stay tuned!

Infertility Is A Message From Your Body Telling You Something Is WRONG Inside!

I went through a year of pregnancies and miscarriages before we got pregnant and had our son (my 4th pregnancy).

I feel it is necessary to inform all couples and women to educate themselves and seek the best path for them in overcoming recurrent miscarriages and/or infertility.

Pregnancy after miscarriage is possible!


Read my story HERE