Saturday, September 5, 2009

Trying to get Pregnant? Avoid These Mistakes to Get Pregnant Faster

Whether you've been trying to get pregnant for awhile or you've just started to try to get pregnant, this article is for you. Tracking your ovulation is so important so that if you may happen to experience fertility problems or you just aren't getting pregnant you have evidence for the doctor. If you are at all "type A", tracking your ovulation will help you feel somewhat "in control" of getting pregnant. You'd be dotting your i's and crossing your t's so to speak. Enjoy the article below.

3 Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Get Pregnant Fast by Bobbie Turner

Do you track your ovulation? What method do you use? Do you just count 2 weeks before your cycle will start? Has this method not been working for you?

Then I suggest you read on...

I will share with you the 3 mistakes to avoid when trying to get pregnant fast, but before I do I want to step up on my soap box. Excuse me-I need to step up on the box... Just one second... OK, as a general rule of thumb, doctors do not investigate why you are not getting pregnant if you've only been trying for under a year.

I say "phooey" to that method! This is why...

My husband and I got pregnant very quickly early on in our quest to get pregnant. One thing that went wrong is that I lost my first 3 pregnancies. If I would have been following the 3 mistakes to avoid when trying to get pregnant fast, I would have discovered that I had a luteal phase deficiency. To keep it short, the lining of my uterus did not have enough time to generate rich nutrients to keep the pregnancy. This is also defined when you have 10 days or less after ovulation when you start your menstrual cycle. This generally can be caused by low progesterone.

Get to the point, lady! Ok, I won't keep you hanging by a string any longer! I will share with you the 3 mistakes to avoid when trying to get pregnant fast.

3 Mistakes to Avoid when Trying to Get Pregnant Fast

1. You don't chart your basal body temperature

Charting your basal body temperature is VITAL, in my opinion, in knowing EXACTLY when you ovulate. It can also catch a luteal phase defect when you have a few months of charts to see the pattern. Then, you have facts and evidence to give to your doctor if it's been taking a while to get pregnant. I HIGHLY suggest starting this right when you want to start trying to get pregnant. Believe me, if you happen to have fertility issues, these charts can be worth GOLD! There are many websites where you can track your ovulation. Just search Google and you will have a slew of websites to choose from.

2. You don't use an ovulation test kit

I will NEVER try to get pregnant without an ovulation test kit again. I am serious! It's easy to use. You start using it 7 -10 days after day 1 of your cycle and the lines get darker the closer you are to ovulation. It's that simple! This can be a back up for you to pinpoint the EXACT day when you are fertile and you can have all the fun you want making a baby. :)

3. You don't have intercourse at least every other day when you are fertile

This is VITAL! I'm not telling you to have intercourse until your eyes fall out- I'm just suggesting that every other day will put the fertility goddess in your court.

Now, I'm not a medical professional, but I can tell you this- after losing 3 pregnancies... I WISH I WOULD HAVE AVOIDED THESE MISTAKES!

Please do NOT make the same mistake I did! Do not delay! Follow the GET PREGNANT FAST link below to see how you can "get pregnant fast!"

Infertility Is A Message From Your Body Telling You Something Is WRONG Inside!

CLICK HERE to see how you can GET PREGNANT FAST even if you've had fertility problems.

Read my story HERE.

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