Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Trouble Getting Pregnant? Go Get Your Progesterone Level Checked!

I wrote the article below with you in mind. Yes, YOU. I'm assuming you've been through a miscarriage, recurrent miscarriage or you know someone who has. This article is to show you that getting your progesterone checked if you are having trouble getting pregnant is a smart, smart idea. If this is the issue for you, it can be as simple as getting a progesterone supplement to take for your first 12 weeks of pregnancy. There are times where it's not that easy to get pregnant and stay pregnant, but you'd be surprised to find that sometimes it can be as simple (not easy) as balancing your hormones.

Pregnancy After Miscarriage - Get Your Progesterone Level Checked! By Bobbie Turner

When my husband and I decided to start a family, we were excited and thought it would happen right away. Well, becoming pregnant came quick, but keeping my pregnancies became a recurrent problem.

After my 3rd miscarriage, I was determined to educate myself and find out the possible causes. I searched "low progesterone" on Google because I had a hunch that my progesterone may have been low due to a hormone test I had in the past. I found a slew of information, yet my doctor did not believe that progesterone supplementation was not a proven method of saving miscarriages. I sought a second opinion and when we FINALLY got around to taking the progesterone level test- I had a low progesterone level (10mg) and so the infertility specialist prescribed me 200mg of progesterone to be taken orally for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy as soon as I became pregnant again.

My son was born in November 2008 and I got pregnant with him exactly a year after we first started trying to conceive.

I know that low progesterone has the potential of being the cause of SO many miscarriages and infertility problems. In this day and age with the stress levels and pesticides/chemicals in foods, we never know how it all can affect our hormone levels.

If you or someone you know is having trouble getting pregnant and/or staying pregnant please tell them to get their progesterone checked! I'm living proof that low progesterone COULD be the cause of miscarriage, although it is not the only cause.

My only recommendation (I'm not a medical professional, just writing from personal experience) is to get your progesterone checked BEFORE you do all the infertility tests. I had to pay $900 out of pocket for an infertility procedure because I didn't know what direction I should have taken. I just wanted to get pregnant and be a mommy!

In the end I did the following things with my last pregnancy:

1. Took progesterone for the first 12 weeks of my pregnancy
2. Received acupuncture for the first 12 weeks biweekly
3. Took Chinese herbs for my first 12 weeks of pregnancy
4. Received Chiropractic treatment throughout my pregnancy
5. Listened to relaxation Cd's
6. Talked and sang to my son all the time throughout the day

Check out my blog below to read more on my recurrent miscarriage and pregnancy journey.

I'm planning on writing so much more on pregnancy-related articles, so stay tuned!

Infertility Is A Message From Your Body Telling You Something Is WRONG Inside!

I went through a year of pregnancies and miscarriages before we got pregnant and had our son (my 4th pregnancy).

I feel it is necessary to inform all couples and women to educate themselves and seek the best path for them in overcoming recurrent miscarriages and/or infertility.

Pregnancy after miscarriage is possible!


Read my story HERE

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