Monday, September 7, 2009

3 More Ways to Take Charge of Your Fertility if You are Trying to Get Pregnant

The article "3 Ways to Take Charge of Your Fertility - Part 2" by Janet Fox is a great start that you can take to see when you ovulating and to try to get pregnant. So often couples think that if they have unprotected intercourse that they eventually will get pregnant. That is true to an extent, but if you are looking to get pregnant as soon as possible then I suggest you follow the tips below. If you are a healthy couple, you should get pregnant FASTER using these tips. Good luck!

3 Ways to Take Charge of Your Fertility - Part 2 by Janet Fox

I know my first article "3 Ways to Take Charge of Your Fertility" wasn't complete and I've now found the time to get out another 3 ways to take charge of your fertility.

I feel these 3 ways are DIRECT ways to take charge of your fertility and make things happen.

1. Chart Your Basal Body Temperature

Charting your basal body temperature is necessary if you are trying to get pregnant. Charting your temperature cycle can catch a luteal phase defect (symptom of low progesterone) when you have a few months of charts to see the pattern. These patterns can also catch other problems. Believe me, if you happen to have fertility issues, these charts can be priceless! I discovered that I had a luteal phase defect once I began charting my basal body temperature after my 3rd miscarriage. There are many websites where you can track your ovulation or you can just do it manually. Just search Google and you will have a slew of websites to choose from. To do it manually you can view the article "Taking Charge of Your Fertility, Charting Your BBT" and that will explain how to chart your ovulation.

2. Use an Ovulation Test Kit

I will NEVER try to get pregnant without an ovulation test kit again. I am serious! It's easy to use. You start using it 7 -10 days after day 1 of your cycle and the lines get darker the closer you are to ovulation. It's that simple! This can help you pinpoint the EXACT day when you are fertile and having intercourse that day raises your chances for conceiving. View my blog below to see where you can get very inexpensive kits.

3. Have intercourse at least every other day during your fertile time

This is SO important! I don't suggest having intercourse many times everyday, but every other day and especially on the day you are most fertile. When you have some bbt charts under your belt, you can see when you will be fertile and start intercourse BEFORE you ovulate. I've even read that if you have intercourse 3-5 days BEFORE you ovulate you are more likely to have a girl because the sperm that have the girl dna are slower swimmers. :)

Ok, so there you have it. These 3 ways to take charge of your fertility are ways that you can control (I love to be in control).

If you are experiencing fertility problems, then I highly suggest you read my bio and click on the link to see how you can conceive naturally.


CLICK HERE to learn how YOU can GET PREGNANT FAST safely and naturally if you are experiencing fertility problems.

CLICK HEREto get your 7 FREE e-books on women's health NOW.

Read my story HERE.

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