Friday, August 28, 2009

Book Review, Painless Childbirth by Guiditta Tornetta

I think most people would scoff at me if I tell them I experienced a "painless" childbirth. But, there are scientific studies that a painless childbirth is possible. Why don't we as a society believe that? Look at the movies, books, friends' stories, everyone always has to tell their dramatic story of childbirth. Each birthing experience is different and once you get pregnant, you will see that all pregnancies are different as well. The article below gives a review on the book Painless Childbirth: An Empowering Journey Through Pregnancy and Birth. Please read this review and consider getting this book if you have even a slight feeling that you would like a natural childbirth. You need to PREPARE for childbirth. You can't just "go in and see how it goes." Preparation is key to any positive birthing experience. This book can be the beginning in your preparation.

Painless Childbirth: Painless Childbirth Book Review by Bobbie Turner

If you are pondering committing to putting in the time to prepare for a "painless" childbirth, then you have come to the right place.

After experiencing 3 miscarriages, I finally got pregnant with my son. Once I was pregnant, I just knew the pregnancy and the birthing experience would be spiritual and so I began my search. I found the book Painless Childbirth: An Empowering Journey Through Pregnancy and Birth. In the process of trying to get pregnant for the third time, I was working on healing myself emotionally. I was reading a book on the chakras and how they relate to our spiritual self. I thought this book would blend right into what I was already reading.

This book transforms your way of thinking on pregnancy and childbirth. It shares many stories of childbirth and Giuditta Tornetta, the author, shares her two birth stories. Tornetta is a post-partum doula, therefore; she has much to share in natural childbirthing methods.

Tornetta discusses the 9 chakras or energy circles in our bodies and how they relate to our baby's development while in the womb. During your pregnancy, your baby goes through 9 different stages or chakras and it reveals an opportunity for you as a mother to transform yourself as well.

I highly recommend not only reading this book, but applying the principles during your pregnancy. I read this book over and over again during my pregnancy with my son. I read it every time I was walking on the treadmill while pregnant. I read it every day. This book helped me get into the mindset of "letting go". Tornetta discusses the topic of learning to "let go" and let God.

And like all instructional books, it is OK to apply it to your situation as you wish. Getting pregnant is so exciting, but pregnancy is even more exciting with all of its changes. This book offers a spiritual perspective in your pregnancy and birthing journey.

I promise that you won't be disappointed if you read this book with an open mind and allow God to reveal to you what is meant for you and your personal faith journey.



Read my story HERE

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Charting Your BBT (Basal Body Temperature) So You Can Get Pregnant Fast

So you've been having trouble conceiving, or you are being proactive and charting just in case- either reason is perfect for beginning your bbt charting experience. With my Type A personality, this gave me something to "organize" and "track" and I actually enjoyed this. Call me crazy, but it's part of my personality! I posted my article from below so you can see what steps to take if you would like to start charting your basal body temperature. Good luck!

Taking Charge of Your Fertility, Chart Your Basal Body Temperature by Bobbie Turner

Charting your BBT (basal body temperature) isn't rocket science, but it just takes consistency. There are some tools you will need to get started: a basal body thermometer (see my blog for my recommendation), a bbt chart (check babycenter) and a pen.

There are some things to remember when you are charting your bbt to get the most accurate charts.

1. Take your temperature at the SAME TIME every morning.

You are going to want to take your temperature before you get out of bed, drink or eat anything. To be honest, I kept my thermometer in a case on my window sill in my bathroom and I tested myself every morning at 5:30am when I got up to urinate. Yes, I got out of bed, but because I did the same routine every morning it reflected the consistency.

2. Chart your temperature even if it's not at the same time as usual.

Mark your temperature and at what time you took it. One number shouldn't skew your chart too bad. I've had a few "off" numbers on my chart and when you draw your coverline, you'll see that it was a deviation from your pattern.

3. Draw a coverline (baseline)where your regular temperatures are.

You need this coverline so you can see where the definite drop in temperature is to reflect when you ovulate and then the immediate sharp rise in temperature right after you ovulate. Now, you won't catch your ovulation day the first month you chart. Charting your bbt is a historical chart and shows what to expect for the next month. Using an ovulation test in conjunction with charting your bbt will help you identifying how close you are to ovulation.

Hopefully, this gets you pointed in the right direction in beginning to chart your monthly menstrual cycle. Remember, these charts are so important in case you have trouble getting pregnant. This is a resource for your doctor so he/she can see what is going on with your cycles. Good luck and happy baby-making!


Read my story HERE

Selecting the Right Relaxation Cd for You for Your Painless Childbirth

I wrote the article below to share what cds I used for my visual imagery sessions to prepare for my painless childbirth. The cds below made the biggest difference for me out of everything I did to prepare for my painless childbirth. I committed myself to listening to these cds everyday for the last 5 months of my pregnancy. I listened to them over my lunch break at work, when I got home from work and before I went to bed. I highly recommend the cds in this article if you would like to experience an amazing, painless childbirth. Read on.

Painless Childbirth: How to Select a Relaxation Cd by Bobbie Turner

You are now on to step 2 of my "7 Tips to Prepare for a Painless Childbirth After Getting Pregnant;" selecting a relaxation cd. Now, everyone's preferences are different, so you want to make sure you select the right one for you.

I used the Hypnobirthing Rainbow Imagery Cd. There were birthing affirmations on this cd that I listened to over and over when I went to bed at night. I also listened to this cd once I was in the water giving birth to my son. I fell asleep and was snoring in between each surge (contraction). After having such an amazing birthing experience, I would do all that preparation over again without hesitation.

I would recommend any cd that helps your body relax completely. Probably any self-hypnosis cd would work, but I think listening to a cd that is specific for childbirth is ideal.

I also listened to the Gamma Meditation System by Dr. Jeffery Thompson. Once I had trained my mind to relax, this cd kept me in a relaxed state for quite awhile. I highly recommend this cd for this kind of preparation. I believe I have a link to this cd in my blog for further information. Check it out.

That concludes step 2 of "7 Tips to Prepare for a Painless Childbirth After Getting Pregnant." Pretty simple step, but I though my recommendation might lead you down a path for you to find the cd that's best for you. Good luck!


Read my story HERE

Using Visual Imagery for a Painless Childbirth After Getting Pregnant

Painless childbirth is something that many people laugh at. Our society has trained us well through movies, plays, books, etc. that childbirth is something to be feared and painful. I'm here to tell you that that simply is not true. Once you get pregnant, it is important for you to view your options. Why would you want to give birth without drugs? In case you didn't know it, many times epidurals can wear off during childbirth and then you have no way of experiencing "no pain". Why not prepare for the worse and have a plan in place on how to experience a painless childbirth? What if these painkillers wore off during giving birth? You'd have a back up plan- but even more, you'd feel in control over the situation and know that giving birth is natural and pain shouldn't be a word to even use. Pain is a word to be used if something is wrong, but childbirth is natural and women's bodies are made for childbirth. In my article below, I embark on further defining step 1 of my 7 tips to prepare for a painless childbirth after getting pregnant. Get your notepad and pen handy. Take notes. Now is the time.

Painless Childbirth: How to Make the Time for Visual Imagery Now that You are Pregnant by Bobbie Turner

Now that you are pregnant, you have given it some thought and you'd like to learn more about having a painless childbirth. This article will give you suggestions on how to make time in your schedule to do your visual imagery.

Remember, "pain" is a word that means something is wrong and when we let our bodies do what they are made to do there isn't "pain" involved in that. There may be discomfort or sensations but "pain" should not be in your vocabulary from this point on.

1. Make an appointment in your scheduler every day for your visual imagery session.

Make this a priority and DO NOT cancel this. If you do not prepare using this technique and just wait for the day your baby comes, you will not be ready. Treat this appointment as the top priority of your day. I made my time at night right before I went to bed. I strongly believe this is why I fell asleep during my surges (contractions).

2. Find a place that has a comfortable chair or sofa.

Where you sit or ly is very important. You want to make sure all your physical comforts are satisfied before you can work on your mind.

3. Make sure the room you are in has NO sound and no possibility for interruptions.

Making the place where you have your visual imagery QUIET is crucial, especially in the beginning of your mind training. Turn off your phones, tv, kitchen appliances, etc.

4. Tell your spouse, family members or anyone home that you need some quiet time and to not disturb you for 30 minutes. No exceptions.

This will also train your family members that you are serious about experiencing a painless childbirth and providing a gentle birth for your child. You'll notice that if you don't do it one day they will ask you about it. You now have accountability!

5. Make sure the temperature in the room is comfortable.

Again, take care of your physical needs first and the mind training will be easier to master.

Now that you are pregnant, painless childbirth is within your reach. Make a commitment to your baby to do everything in your power to make this happen. Remember, flexibility is part of this journey and your baby is your #1 priority. If something were to go wrong and your baby is in jeopardy then let them be born how they are choosing to be born. It is OK.


Read my story HERE

Steps to Take for a Painless Childbirth After Having Problems Getting Pregnant

Once you've experienced the heartbreak of miscarriage or not getting pregnant at all, you get more determined (at least I did). I started looking into anything and everything that could help me get pregnant and stay pregnant. One thing that I felt needed to happen was spiritual healing. I do feel that if we are not spiritually healthy we can experience roadblocks in our lives. My roadblock was not being able to get pregnant. As soon as I began down the path of healing myself spiritually, I did get pregnant. God knows our inmost thoughts and I believe he will help you heal if you seek it wholeheartedly. I want to share this article with you below. It outlines 7 tips to have a painless childbirth after getting pregnant. I will write other articles further explaining each point so that each article doesn't get too long. Keep your faith alive.

Tips to Prepare for a Painless Childbirth After Getting Pregnant by Bobbie Turner

After getting pregnant, what's next? Birth plans, painting the nursery, preparing the nursery, etc. So much to do to prepare for a baby!

Ok, so you may think I'm crazy even mentioning the word "painless" with the the word "childbirth". I understand. Read on and you'll create what is possible for you in experiencing a painless childbirth if that's what you would like to do.

First, when we feel pain it usually means that something is wrong. Women's bodies are designed by God to give birth. There is no question that when a surge (contraction) comes it will be intense, but it only lasts for a minute and once you have your baby the discomfort goes away. When we let our bodies do what they are designed to do, when we "let go", the most amazing thing happens; you can experience a painless childbirth. I'm speaking from experience. I had the most amazing birth experience and I will share that with you in another article.

There is one thing I will say up front, this takes commitment. So, if you are not willing to make the commitment to have a painless childbirth and prepare your mind, this may not be for you. That is OK.

This may seem like a lot to tackle, but you have 9 months to prepare. Let's get to it!

7 Tips to Prepare for a Painless Childbirth After Getting Pregnant:

1. Set a time and place for your visual imagery and keep it

2. Find a relaxation cd for you to use during this time. I recommend the Hypnobirthing rainbow cd for this.

3. Read the book, "Painless Childbirth" by Giuditta Tornetta

4. Heal your chakras; Read the book, "Wheels of Life" by Anodea Judith

5. Incorporate Hypnobirthing into your "mind training" and visual imagery routine.

6. Get regular chiropractic visits during pregnancy, this will ensure your pelvic area is properly aligned to give your baby the most smooth path possible.

7. Pray. Talk to your baby as much as possible letting him or her know you would like to offer them a gentle birth.

You may think some of these tips sound "fruity", but I will tell you again, THESE WORK. Again, my birth experience with my son was amazing. I can remember every single part of it. I was SLEEPING in between every surge (contraction), well snoring actually!

There's more to share about my birth experience. I know anything is possible and I know anything is possible for YOU. It's time to start believing it!


Read my story HERE

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Follow These Steps if You are Not Getting Pregnant

If you are not getting pregnant and it's been a few months, I would follow the steps listed in the article below for guidance. There are fertile times during the month and simple calculation isn't always the best method for determining your fertile time. If you follow the steps below, you should have no problem conceiving within a year. If you have not conceived within one year after following these steps, it may be time to seek out a fertility specialist.

3 Steps to Take if You Are Not Getting Pregnant by Rebecca Tree

These steps outlined below are not only for those couples that are not getting pregnant, but they can be for the couple who is just starting to try to get pregnant. The main thing in following these steps is to have evidence and records of your menstrual cycle so that if you ARE faced with infertility, you can give the records to your doctor.

3 Steps to Take if You Are Not Getting Pregnant

1. Chart Your Basal Body Temperature

Charting your basal body temperature is necessary. Charting your temperature cycle can catch a luteal phase defect (symptom of low progesterone) when you have a few months of charts to see the pattern. These patterns can also catch other problems. Believe me, if you happen to have fertility issues, these charts can be priceless! I discovered that I had a luteal phase defect once I began charting my basal body temperature. There are many websites where you can track your ovulation. Just search Google and you will have a slew of websites to choose from.

2. Use an Ovulation Test Kit

I will NEVER try to get pregnant without an ovulation test kit again. I am serious! It's easy to use. You start using it 7 -10 days after day 1 of your cycle and the lines get darker the closer you are to ovulation. It's that simple! This can help you pinpoint the EXACT day when you are fertile and having intercourse that day raises your chances for conceiving. View my blog below to see where you can get very inexpensive kits.

3. Have intercourse at least every other day during your fertile time

This is SO important! I don't suggest having intercourse many times everyday, but every other day and especially on the day you are most fertile.

If you've been following these 3 steps for a year and you are still not conceiving, I suggest seeing a fertility specialist. One thing I did when I was experiencing infertility is acupuncture. I will release an article on infertility and acupuncture very soon.

Good luck on your journey!


5 Steps for Getting Pregnant with PCOS

When a woman is faced with the word "infertility" it can be scary. Many women who are diagnosed with PCOS hear this word often. About 1 in 15 women in the U.S. are diagnosed with PCOS every year. This isn't surprising to me since PCOS is a hormone imbalance issue. Read the article below to see how it is possible to get pregnant when diagnosed with PCOS.

Getting Pregnant with PCOS is NOT Unattainable by Bobbie Turner

Getting pregnant with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is not unattainable, although many women feel it is. You are probably reading this because you have been recently diagnosed with PCOS or have had it for a long time. At the end of this article, you should be ready to go on a very exciting journey of pregnancy.

PCOS is a condition where a woman rarely ovulates; hence, causing infertility. Women rarely ovulate with this condition because their hormones get out of balance. Their hormones will not balance themselves unless they take actions to balance them. Balancing your hormones should only be pursued under a practicing physician or naturopath, but there are steps you can take on your own to start the balancing process.

1. Change how and what you eat

Nutrition has a heavy influence on our body processes. Eating organic whole foods and meat products is a step towards helping your hormones balance out.

2. Discard all cleaning products from your home that are not natural

Having chemicals in your home is extremely harmful to your body processes. Look into using baking soda and vinegar for cleaning. They are natural and not harmful.

3. Get your progesterone checked

This can be a simple test at your doctor's office. They need to draw some blood 7 days after you ovulate and they can get a progesterone level from that. Anything 10mg and under is considered low.

4. Exercise

Exercise is the best thing you can do for your body when it is healing itself.

5. Visualization

It may sound silly, but I tell you what, when I got pregnant after my last miscarriage I VISUALIZED the baby attaching to the wall of my uterus and burrowing in. I think visualization gets little credit, but it has a POWERFUL impact on our lives. Use intention when you visualize your body and hormones balancing. Think HARMONY.

Click on the GET PREGNANT FAST link below to read more on how getting pregnant with PCOS is NOT unattainable. I hope these 5 ways to start balancing your hormones is helpful and encouraging.

All things are possible, Faith is what makes things happen.

One last blurb, sometimes bearing a child is not part of a woman's journey and that's when adoption can be considered. There's many children out there without mothers.



Tuesday, August 25, 2009

5 Steps to Follow if You Need Help in Getting Pregnant

Many couples "go it alone" when they are faced with infertility. That bothers me. I want couples to take charge of their fertility and seek answers and do their research. So many of us follow what society tells us, but I encourage you to educate yourself and ask questions. In the article below, there are 5 steps to take if you need help in getting pregnant. These steps are the FIRST steps to take if you are freshly facing infertility. Enjoy the read.

If You Need Help Getting Pregnant, You Are Not Alone by Janet Fox

If you need help getting pregnant, you are not alone. Approximately 20% of married couples in the U.S. have some kind of fertility problem.

Infertility is more common now than ever due to many different factors like hormone-mimcking environmental toxins, processed food, dairy products, make-up products, red meat, etc.

You are reading this article because you probably are having difficulty getting pregnant and need some insight. I've been where you are, I've done my research, I've stuck to my "gut", and now I have a baby boy after having 3 miscarriages. Read the first 5 things you should do if you need help getting pregnant.

The First 5 Things You Should Do If You Need Help Getting Pregnant

1. Throw out all chemical-laden cleaning products and replace with natural cleaners. PERIOD.

These cleaners give off toxic fumes that we do not notice and contain chemicals that can influence hormonal balance.

2. Overhaul your diet.

Eat only organic foods. Eliminate dairy, processed foods, alcohol, caffeine. Eat as many whole foods as possible. This will help your hormones help balance themselves.

3. Start taking the herb, Vitex. (Get your progesterone checked!)

Vitex is an herb that helps your body balance progesterone by influencing the pituitary gland. This herb has been around for centuries, assisting women with fertility.

4. Start seeing an acupuncturist TODAY.

Acupuncture has been around for centuries and is known for helping couples reverse infertility. If you have a fear of needles, your acupuncturist can work with you on that. But, I want to ask you this one question, will you be willing to tackle your fear for the hope of getting pregnant?

5. Begin Chiropractic TODAY.

Chiropractic has been known to help couples get pregnant. After consistent adjustments infertile couples seem to "fall" pregnant by accident.

There are many people that need help getting pregnant, but seek fertility clinics as a first option. I recommend overhauling your lifestyle and getting your hormones checked. I will always stick by my feeling that hormones are the leading cause of infertility. Why not try the noninvasive method first to get pregnant? You've got nothing to lose and the costs are minimal. If anything, you'd be improving your overall health in which you want to be as healthy as possible for you future children, don't you?

I'm not a medical professional, so I do encourage you to seek your doctor's advice. My goal here is to empower women, men and couples to take charge of their health, fertility, and their lives. Live in Love!

Learn how YOU can GET PREGNANT FAST safely and naturally.

Persevering Through Recurrent Miscarriages and Infertility

Monday, August 24, 2009

Potential Causes for Male Infertility

We so often relate infertility to the female, but male infertility contributes partially or wholly to about 40% in infertile couples. I felt this article was important to post because sharing about male infertility is important.

How Common is Male Infertility? by Rebecca Tree

When I hear the word "infertility", I generally think of a woman not a man. But in 40% of infertile couples, problems affecting the man are either a part of or the reason for the infertility. For men, the most common reason for infertility is low sperm count. There are many different reasons for low sperm count and I have listed them below.

1. Alcohol consumption

2. Hormonal disorders

3. Testicular surgery

4. Toxins and/or environmental pollutants

5. Radiation

6. Acute illness

Of course, there can be other reasons for infertility, but these are just some of the more common ones.

Below, I have listed the most common fertility tests for men. These are generally performed if a couple has not conceived within one year. It is easier and costs less for a couple to get fertility tests on the man, so I suggest you do these first. Fertility tests for women can be more costly, lengthy and revolve around their menstrual cycles. See the male fertility tests below.

1. Endocrine test

2. Semen analysis

3. X-ray

4. Postcoital test

5. Sperm penetration test

6. Testicular biopsy

My intention for listing these tests is to point you in the right direction in order to do your more in-depth research on male infertility.


Persevering Through Recurrent Miscarriages and Infertility

Infertility and Hormone Imbalance, Are They Related?

After many years of health issues and 3 miscarriages, I never researched hormone imbalance and how it can affect our body as a whole. To this day I do regret not discovering my hormonal imbalance earlier, but know that I discovered it when I did for a reason. We are all here to help each other and I hope you read this article and just take it as a sign to do some research for yourself on hormone imbalance.

Are you struggling with infertility? Do you have recurring headaches? Do you have digestive problems? Do you have anxiety issues? If you've answered "yes" to any of these questions, you may have a hormonal imbalance. I can share with you how you can discover if you have a hormonal imbalance, but it would take too long to write here. Let me know if I can point you in the right direction on your journey.

The Hidden Cause of Infertility: Hormone Imbalance by Rebecca Tree

Let me guess. You are looking for the only answer to infertility. I can't give that answer to you, but I can give you a main cause of infertility. Hormone Imbalance.

What causes hormone imbalance? You'd be surprised to know that there are a handful of reasons a women's hormones can be off balance. I will list a few here to start off your research on infertility.

1. Environmental pollutants (pesticides, chemicals on foods you eat)

2. Birth control pills

3. Stress (stress can cause adrenal exhaustion and the adrenals aid in hormone production)

4. EFA deficiencies (Essential Fatty Acids or Omega 3 fish oil)

5. Surgery or long-time illness

Can you say "yes" to any of these examples? Are they a part of your life? Sadly, I can say that I've experienced ALL 5 of these things that can play a part in hormone imbalance. I've experienced low progesterone most of my life and didn't realize it until I tried to get pregnant. Looking back throughout my life I've had many low progesterone symptoms, but never looked into them because they seemed normal. I am currently receiving acupuncture treatments and using Chinese herbs to balance my hormone imbalance. I am happy to say that my menstrual cycle and ovulation are healthy. Once we try to get pregnant with our second child, I feel it will be no problem to get pregnant and stay pregnant.

I encourage you to educate yourself about hormone imbalance and how it affects your body as a whole. I think you would be surprised that what you might think is normal for you is not.

READ MORE NOW on how you can GET PREGNANT FAST naturally.

View Persevering Through Recurrent Miscarriage and Infertility here.

Vitex is an herb that can help correct progesterone imbalance and it is relatively inexpensive. Read my post below about this amazing ancient herb.

I recommend you to CLICK HERE to read more about how you can get tested for hormone imbalance.

Vitex - An Ancient Fertility Herb

You may have heard of herb, Vitex, or you may have not. If you are trying to get pregnant or having trouble getting pregnant, I suggest you read this article. It is a testimony on what this herb, Vitex, has done for this woman. In ancient times, this herb was used for many female health issues. One being, stopping post-partum hemorrhage. Another being, increasing progesterone by stimulating the release of a hormone called luteinizing hormone from the pituitary gland. Vitex is also thought to normalize excessive prolactin levels and promote fertility.

"Should I Buy Vitex to Increase Fertility?" by Janet Fox

Other names for Vitex: Vitex agnus castus, Agnus castus, chaste tree, monk's pepper

You are probably reading this article because you have encountered a roadblock in trying to get pregnant. Or, you are trying to get pregnant and simply trying to increase your fertility to get pregnant quickly. Either way this article is just what you are looking for.

Now you are asking "Should I buy vitex to increase fertility?" Simply put, YES. And here's why...

Two years ago, I experienced my second miscarriage in a row. I began researching miscarriages and if there are causes. While doing my research, I got pregnant for the third time and miscarried a third time. I had had it and I was determined to get to the bottom of this. I began to educate myself and discovered that I was experiencing all the signs of low progesterone in my body. I discovered information about the herb, Vitex, and it's ability to naturally raise progesterone levels and possibly cure a luteal phase defect. I began taking it in November and my ovulation moved up 2 days. The next month it had moved up 4 days. The third month it had moved up to the 14th day of my cycle and I got my menstrual cycle on day 28. Now, my cycle usually was 30-35 days long BUT I ovulated very late in my cycle. I believe increasing the progesterone level in my body helped me ovulate sooner; therefore, getting pregnant for the fourth time and having a healthy baby boy 9 months later.

So, now you may ask, "Should I buy Vitex to increase fertility?" I think you just answered your own question. Yes. You really have nothing to lose.

Good luck on your journey!

Learn how you can GET PREGNANT FAST

"Persevering Through Recurrent Miscarriage and Infertility"

Sunday, August 23, 2009

What Do You Know About Infertility?

For some reason women are not empowered to take charge of their fertility. They are supposed to be passive and do whatever the doctor recommends them to do in it comes to their fertility. Many of us do not educate ourselves BEFORE we meet with a fertility specialist. Heck, I didn't educate myself about infertility and research all the testings and procedures that can be done. I also didn't research all the natural things that can be done to help enhance fertility. Please read the article below. I think it's great advice on what to do when you want to take charge of your fertility.

"3 Ways to Take Charge of Your Fertility" by Janet Fox

I didn't take charge of my fertility until after my third miscarriage in a row. I knew I was getting pregnant, but why did I keep losing my babies? This experience was heartbreaking to say the least. I decided to take charge of my fertility immediately. I began researching forums and other articles on the internet for as much information as I could about fertility, miscarriage and pregnancy. If you are experiencing fertility issues, it would be beneficial for you to take charge and educate yourself. There are many ways to get pregnant naturally and I think trying these ways first would be the best for your body and future baby.

3 Ways to Take Charge of Your Fertility

1. Educate yourself on fertility, all the different types of tests available as well as natural treatments.

2. After you've educated yourself, ask your doctor questions on different topics relating to fertility. You will know right then and there if your doctor is on the same page as you and is supporting you through this journey.

3. Get your progesterone checked as soon as you can. You can only get this checked 7 days after you ovulate, so it's important to make an appointment immediately. (This is the LEAST expensive of fertility testing so why not rule this out first?)

These are only hitting the iceberg in taking charge of your fertility. If you want a baby, YOU need to make it happen and do your research. It's OK to be pushy and state your opinion. It's your body and just doing what someone else tells you because he/she has a medical degree isn't smart. Educate yourself, Educate yourself, Educate yourself.

Learn how you can GET PREGNANT FAST

"Persevering Through Recurrent Miscarriage and Infertility"

Infertility Drugs May Increase the Risk of Ovarian Cancer

Infertility Drugs May Increase the Risk of Ovarian Cancer

A study had found a higher rate of ovarian cancer among women who took infertility drugs (The New England Journal of Medicine). The finding validates concerns regarding these drugs that surface periodically in medical journals. The study had obviously generated strong criticism from the infertility industry, now a $1 billion-a-year profit-making enterprise.

According to the study, 3,837 women who underwent infertility treatment between 1974 and 1985 in Seattle, were analyzed by Mary Anne Rossing, D.V.M., Ph.D., at the University of Washington and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Among all women who had taken the drug Clomid (a drug which induces ovulation there were three times more cases of ovarian cancer diagnosed within the study period compared to women who had not taken drugs during 12 or more monthly cycles.


Read more about my story: Persevering Through Recurrent Miscarriages and Infertility

Friday, August 21, 2009

Get Pregnant Now Spotlight


I have suffered 3 recurrent miscarriages and WISH I found this information sooner!

I finally had a baby boy after going through infertility tests.

Please view MY STORY HERE to learn about my journey of getting pregnant.

I have some helpful tips on how to persevere through recurrent miscarriage and infertility.


Ok, so I thought It would be helpful to share with you all a way to spot a liar. Going through any journey of grieving, doctors visits, or meetings knowing when someone is lying could be helpful.

People Lie to You Everyday! I don't know why we as humans find the need to lie- except that we need to be accepted by others.

Going through tough times is hard, but it's even tougher when all you hear are lies, lies, lies!

There's a way you can spot a liar and get them to tell you the truth!

CLICK HERE NOW to read more!


Thursday, August 20, 2009

The First "Mama"!

When did you hear your child say "mama"?

My son just said it and it melted my heart!

I'm a first time mom and all the new stepping stones are so exciting.

Click HERE to read about my recurrent miscarriages and how I overcame them and got pregnant.

Please share when your child first said "mama". I'd love to read about it!

10 Ways to Handle Miscarriage or Infertility

The Pregnancy Miracle

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How to Get Pregnant Fast- Get Pregnant Fast

How to Get Pregnant Fast- Get Pregnant Fast!

Is this your FIRST, SECOND or LAST time you are trying to get pregnant?

Are you just starting to try to get pregnant or have you been trying for a long time?

Learn more on how to get pregnant fast! Getting pregnant can take some time, but why not improve your chances?

Click Here to view how YOU can make it happen today!

10 Ways to Handle Miscarriage or Infertility

Persevering Through Recurrent Miscarriage and Infertility

to see how YOU can get pregnant fast!

Stop Miscarriages Now!

Hey All-


If you or someone you know is struggling to get pregnant and STAY pregnant please pass this information on!

Have you or someone you know had one miscarriage or several?

Have you or someone you know been trying to get pregnant and NOTHING short of a miracle has worked?

Have you or someone you know spent hundreds to thousands of dollars on supplements, medications, treatments, and procedures?

Have you are someone you know would like to take an holistic, alternative approach to conceiving?

Then you MUST View the Pregnancy Miracle Article here!

Keep your hope alive!

Blessings to you all!

10 Ways to Handle Miscarriages

Persevering Through Recurrent Miscarriage and Infertility

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Persevering Through Recurrent Miscarriage and Infertility

Hi All,

For any of you that has experienced recurrent miscarriages, this article may be the encouragement you are looking for!

View my article at the following link:

Persevering Through Recurrent Miscarriage and Infertility

Please don't give up your search to get pregnant and meet your baby!

All things are possible. View the Pregnancy Miracle Article

Monday, August 17, 2009

Chinese Herbs for Miscarriages

10 Tips in Surviving Miscarriages

1. Have perseverance and faith
2. Trust in God's natural healing gifts
3. Get your progesterone level checked (Research TCM for total body healing)
4. Chinese Medicine is AMAZING and MIRACULOUS! Click Here to learn more
5. Always get a 2nd Opinion!
6. Seek emotional support through this challenging journey of infertility and/or miscarriage
7. Always have hope
8. Don't scare yourself by looking up all the statistics on recurrent miscarriages
9. Research the benefits of Chiropractic for infertility and/or miscarriages
10. It is OK to acknowledge that adoption is an option (we had come to peace with this option)