Sunday, August 23, 2009

What Do You Know About Infertility?

For some reason women are not empowered to take charge of their fertility. They are supposed to be passive and do whatever the doctor recommends them to do in it comes to their fertility. Many of us do not educate ourselves BEFORE we meet with a fertility specialist. Heck, I didn't educate myself about infertility and research all the testings and procedures that can be done. I also didn't research all the natural things that can be done to help enhance fertility. Please read the article below. I think it's great advice on what to do when you want to take charge of your fertility.

"3 Ways to Take Charge of Your Fertility" by Janet Fox

I didn't take charge of my fertility until after my third miscarriage in a row. I knew I was getting pregnant, but why did I keep losing my babies? This experience was heartbreaking to say the least. I decided to take charge of my fertility immediately. I began researching forums and other articles on the internet for as much information as I could about fertility, miscarriage and pregnancy. If you are experiencing fertility issues, it would be beneficial for you to take charge and educate yourself. There are many ways to get pregnant naturally and I think trying these ways first would be the best for your body and future baby.

3 Ways to Take Charge of Your Fertility

1. Educate yourself on fertility, all the different types of tests available as well as natural treatments.

2. After you've educated yourself, ask your doctor questions on different topics relating to fertility. You will know right then and there if your doctor is on the same page as you and is supporting you through this journey.

3. Get your progesterone checked as soon as you can. You can only get this checked 7 days after you ovulate, so it's important to make an appointment immediately. (This is the LEAST expensive of fertility testing so why not rule this out first?)

These are only hitting the iceberg in taking charge of your fertility. If you want a baby, YOU need to make it happen and do your research. It's OK to be pushy and state your opinion. It's your body and just doing what someone else tells you because he/she has a medical degree isn't smart. Educate yourself, Educate yourself, Educate yourself.

Learn how you can GET PREGNANT FAST

"Persevering Through Recurrent Miscarriage and Infertility"

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