Monday, August 24, 2009

Vitex - An Ancient Fertility Herb

You may have heard of herb, Vitex, or you may have not. If you are trying to get pregnant or having trouble getting pregnant, I suggest you read this article. It is a testimony on what this herb, Vitex, has done for this woman. In ancient times, this herb was used for many female health issues. One being, stopping post-partum hemorrhage. Another being, increasing progesterone by stimulating the release of a hormone called luteinizing hormone from the pituitary gland. Vitex is also thought to normalize excessive prolactin levels and promote fertility.

"Should I Buy Vitex to Increase Fertility?" by Janet Fox

Other names for Vitex: Vitex agnus castus, Agnus castus, chaste tree, monk's pepper

You are probably reading this article because you have encountered a roadblock in trying to get pregnant. Or, you are trying to get pregnant and simply trying to increase your fertility to get pregnant quickly. Either way this article is just what you are looking for.

Now you are asking "Should I buy vitex to increase fertility?" Simply put, YES. And here's why...

Two years ago, I experienced my second miscarriage in a row. I began researching miscarriages and if there are causes. While doing my research, I got pregnant for the third time and miscarried a third time. I had had it and I was determined to get to the bottom of this. I began to educate myself and discovered that I was experiencing all the signs of low progesterone in my body. I discovered information about the herb, Vitex, and it's ability to naturally raise progesterone levels and possibly cure a luteal phase defect. I began taking it in November and my ovulation moved up 2 days. The next month it had moved up 4 days. The third month it had moved up to the 14th day of my cycle and I got my menstrual cycle on day 28. Now, my cycle usually was 30-35 days long BUT I ovulated very late in my cycle. I believe increasing the progesterone level in my body helped me ovulate sooner; therefore, getting pregnant for the fourth time and having a healthy baby boy 9 months later.

So, now you may ask, "Should I buy Vitex to increase fertility?" I think you just answered your own question. Yes. You really have nothing to lose.

Good luck on your journey!

Learn how you can GET PREGNANT FAST

"Persevering Through Recurrent Miscarriage and Infertility"

1 comment:

    Grateful for contribute to such information I’ll pass it on to my friends.
