Tuesday, August 25, 2009

5 Steps to Follow if You Need Help in Getting Pregnant

Many couples "go it alone" when they are faced with infertility. That bothers me. I want couples to take charge of their fertility and seek answers and do their research. So many of us follow what society tells us, but I encourage you to educate yourself and ask questions. In the article below, there are 5 steps to take if you need help in getting pregnant. These steps are the FIRST steps to take if you are freshly facing infertility. Enjoy the read.

If You Need Help Getting Pregnant, You Are Not Alone by Janet Fox

If you need help getting pregnant, you are not alone. Approximately 20% of married couples in the U.S. have some kind of fertility problem.

Infertility is more common now than ever due to many different factors like hormone-mimcking environmental toxins, processed food, dairy products, make-up products, red meat, etc.

You are reading this article because you probably are having difficulty getting pregnant and need some insight. I've been where you are, I've done my research, I've stuck to my "gut", and now I have a baby boy after having 3 miscarriages. Read the first 5 things you should do if you need help getting pregnant.

The First 5 Things You Should Do If You Need Help Getting Pregnant

1. Throw out all chemical-laden cleaning products and replace with natural cleaners. PERIOD.

These cleaners give off toxic fumes that we do not notice and contain chemicals that can influence hormonal balance.

2. Overhaul your diet.

Eat only organic foods. Eliminate dairy, processed foods, alcohol, caffeine. Eat as many whole foods as possible. This will help your hormones help balance themselves.

3. Start taking the herb, Vitex. (Get your progesterone checked!)

Vitex is an herb that helps your body balance progesterone by influencing the pituitary gland. This herb has been around for centuries, assisting women with fertility.

4. Start seeing an acupuncturist TODAY.

Acupuncture has been around for centuries and is known for helping couples reverse infertility. If you have a fear of needles, your acupuncturist can work with you on that. But, I want to ask you this one question, will you be willing to tackle your fear for the hope of getting pregnant?

5. Begin Chiropractic TODAY.

Chiropractic has been known to help couples get pregnant. After consistent adjustments infertile couples seem to "fall" pregnant by accident.

There are many people that need help getting pregnant, but seek fertility clinics as a first option. I recommend overhauling your lifestyle and getting your hormones checked. I will always stick by my feeling that hormones are the leading cause of infertility. Why not try the noninvasive method first to get pregnant? You've got nothing to lose and the costs are minimal. If anything, you'd be improving your overall health in which you want to be as healthy as possible for you future children, don't you?

I'm not a medical professional, so I do encourage you to seek your doctor's advice. My goal here is to empower women, men and couples to take charge of their health, fertility, and their lives. Live in Love!

Learn how YOU can GET PREGNANT FAST safely and naturally.

Persevering Through Recurrent Miscarriages and Infertility

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